Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pop quiz day

Today in class we had a pop quiz. At first I was very nervous for it and didn't want to bomb it but then I realized I had good notes and listened in class and actually got a 100% on it. Our quiz was on globalization and then we talked about it in class. We talked about if we agree with what nike is doing or if we disagree and I don't agree with nike and I know its not fair but why are there only very few people actually doing something about it. If we really want a change then why just sit here and talk about it? Instead of telling people how bad it is, actually make a plan and try to change it! If we don't try it's not going to change! Globalization can be good and bad but it depends how we work with it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How should we change the amount of money people are paid

Today in class we kept talking about how nike workers across the world are only getting paid $1.25 a day no matter how long they work that day. I do agree that there should be a change but if everyone is going to argue that there should be a change why doesn't anyone seem to really be doing anything other then complaining about it?  It is a problem that the guy who does something for nike is worth 8 billion dollars and some people are getting paid $1.25 A DAY! No one deserves to work in bad conditions, away from there family, and for 15 hours 7 days a week to get about $8.75 a week and have to pay for there rent, clothes, food and more. The one thing that really stood out to me was how the girl who went there to be in there spot got sick and had to choose between buying aspirin and a little juice and not eating or eating her 21 crappy meals but getting no medicine because of how little money she had. There is nothing good about how they're living and people need to stand up and make a change!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Nike workers pay issues

Today in class we watched a video on nike and the difference in how much they pay some workers. The guy in the video went and worked in the spot of people who make $1.25 a day. Working all day then getting paid so little made him not be able to eat a lot or do anything he usually does on a daily bases. The fact he lost 25 pounds in a month because of how little he ate because he had little money amazes me. They even stated that tiger woods made enough to by him a house in a second but why are some people working harder then tiger woods but are barley surviving. There should be a change to it because soon it'll be happening with other companies too! As much as that makes me not like Nike I will still wear it because its everywhere and they're working so hard to make it we should at least put it to use!

Friday, September 25, 2015

US being spread everywhere

Today in class we talked about many things. We talked a lot about languages and how a lot of other languages know english and that english is getting spread around the world. Not even speaking english but just like signs or restaurants or little things like that that were made in the US are now spread around the world. Its crazy to know that people from across the world that originally speak Chinese are actually in school with me and even in my classes and understand what we say and do even though they grew up much different. Things that started in the US are getting spread around the world rapidly and soon everyone might being using the same things for everything!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Eye opener

Today in class we got our tests back that we took about a week ago. I wasn't very happy with my score but I know now that I need to apply myself more and study harder! The week we took the test I had a lot going on at school and at home like going to practices then my brothers games then having dinner as a family and my time was really limited but I've realized that school comes first and I came to John Carroll for and education and I should try harder! I really want to pull my grade up in this class because I want to show my parents how good this school really is! Everyday is a new day and starting tomorrow I will be concentrating on my school work that'll get my somewhere later on in life hopefully!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Test day

Today in class we took a test on everything we've learned. Most of it was pretty easy and I knew most of it but there were a few things that stumped me. I didn't study to much because I took notes throughout class everyday and so I remembered most of it but I think next time I'm going to study more because I could've done better and finished faster. All though I usually hate BCRs I didn't mind this one because it was how it related to me so I could explain myself a lot easier. I'm happy the test is over now because I don't have to stress out as much anymore.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Disturbing Deaths

Todays class was a little bit disturbing. We finished our notes and definitions and talked about how they were related to Greeks and stuff. But, after all the we started talking about Socrates and how he died from drinking poison and a bunch of people watched his death and it was a disturbing, sad thing to watch. Its weird because he had a chance to get away but still took the poison and drank it like it was his job. Then we were on the topic of crucial deaths and how people do it today and how they used to do it. Its weird to think that thats how some people have to die whether its an electric chair that sometimes has gone wrong and they have to do it twice or getting a needle that shuts down your body which as also gone wrong. Learning about this was disturbing but kind of interesting all at the same time.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Vocab Words

Today in class we kind of just talked about out notes and took notes. We talked about all the definitions in the other nights homework and how the related to the Greeks back in there time. The words we had to find the definitions to were not really words you hear on the daily bases. Like the word idiot that we use today was used differently when the Greeks said it to someone. The way they lived and said things was a little different then what we are used to but it all makes sense on how they use it! I like learning about this stuff but my class is quite quiet so it's mostly just the teacher talking the whole time. But, its weird how the Greeks kind of started what we are today and if it weren't for them, nothing would be the same

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Anniversary of 9/11

Our class was a little bit depressing on Friday. Friday was the anniversary of 9/11. When 9/11 happened most people in my grade weren't even a year old so none of us really remember it happening or how tragic it was, we just hear all these sad stories about it. I learned one of my best friends cousin actually died in it because he was on the 95th floor. That was a hard thing for me to hear! But, other then that we took notes on The message of Garcia and did new vocal on it to learn new meanings of words

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Note taking in class

Today in class we took some notes. These notes were on The Message to Garcia and basically what the story was about and what it meant! The message in this story is to do things with out being told because that leaves a good impression. By doing things without being told gets the job done faster and actually leaves out the drama because you didn't do anything wrong and you did what you were supposed to. Also, we went over the schedule for the year and I realized how important and soon exams actually are! Last, my favorite part was talking about our 17 day long christmas break which I am very excited for!!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2015

5 ways to improve my years at jc

1. I plan to play 3 sports at JC. I already made varsity soccer and plan to go out for lacrosse and a Winter sport. This is a good experience and lets me meet new people!
2. I plan to do good academically in high school. If i do good academically I will be proud of myself and it will get me somewhere for college.
3. My favorite sport is lacrosse so I want to get on varsity lacrosse by sophomore year and then get recruited by a college for lacrosse.
4. I also want to meet new people and exchange students because not everyone goes to school with kids from china or Spain or anywhere but here so I think it'd be cool to meet them!
5. Last, I want to go to more things like football games and activities after school to meet a lot of people and cheer on my school!

I want to make the best of high school so I really want to go and do as many things and activities as I can! I'm very excited to do new things ad see if I like things I never really thought I'd like. John Carroll has always been a dream for me and now my dreams coming true!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The boy in The Message to Garcia

Today in class we didn't do to much because my class doesn't really participate the most. But we did learn the real reason why we read message to garcia. We learned that is was a lesson and we need to be more like loyal and trustworthy boy in this story. I realized that my job for the next for years is high school, I need to do good academically and athletically to succeed in my future. I will be hard working, loyal, ad trustworthy just like the boy. These next 4 years are very important and fun but I need to make the best of them

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Message to Garcia

Today we read "A message of Garcia" and its about a loyal boy who does all his work for his job who's loyal and trustworthy and always gets the job done. It relates to people now a days and how people should be depending on your opinion. People think that kids now a days are lazy but we actually do a lot with sports and school and helping out its just not the same work that this guy did. We all have jobs and we should all do them  right but the way you do it and how you do it is what makes you recognized. But never really does anyone not do anything. we all help out some way!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Setting up our Blog

Today in class we didn't do to much but we got caught up on a lot of stuff! We basically got the blog I'm typing on right now set up and talked a little bit on how the year's going to be and the type of things to blog and how we will blog everyday we have class and that even if you're absent you should still blog that you weren't in school and the reason you weren't in school. A funny thing that happened in class was a kid left to go to the bathroom and left his laptop open and our teacher went and put something on his blog that was funny! He said to the class "number 1 rule, never leave your laptop unattended" it made us all laugh. Even though today was a little bit of a more easy day, I'm ready for the rest of the year and to blog about everything we learn!!!