Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How should we change the amount of money people are paid

Today in class we kept talking about how nike workers across the world are only getting paid $1.25 a day no matter how long they work that day. I do agree that there should be a change but if everyone is going to argue that there should be a change why doesn't anyone seem to really be doing anything other then complaining about it?  It is a problem that the guy who does something for nike is worth 8 billion dollars and some people are getting paid $1.25 A DAY! No one deserves to work in bad conditions, away from there family, and for 15 hours 7 days a week to get about $8.75 a week and have to pay for there rent, clothes, food and more. The one thing that really stood out to me was how the girl who went there to be in there spot got sick and had to choose between buying aspirin and a little juice and not eating or eating her 21 crappy meals but getting no medicine because of how little money she had. There is nothing good about how they're living and people need to stand up and make a change!

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