Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Extra Credit

For my extra credit, I chose to donate to Isodora. I chose her because she needed one more donation to get the amount if money she needed for her books and things. I felt good donating because she deserves what she needed and I hope that she can succeed now that she has the money she needs. Everyone deserves to have there needs for life and being able to succeed if they really work for it and she seemed like a trust worth girl who will be able to put the money to use and hopefully it will improve her life!
Todays class we kept watching the video on india and there population. After we just talked because our class is in front of all the other classes so we got to take a break today. Im doing my extra credit so I can pull my grade up. I son't know what to really write about because we didn't do much so there is not a lot to say. So, I can't believe this quarter is already over. Times flying and I can't wait for all the years to come

Monday, October 26, 2015

Another video day on India

We kept watching the video today in class on India and there population and how its growing. We talked about women's rights and how they're almost like slaves over there because they have such little say in everything even if it involves them and there body. It's crazy to know that these women don't realize that what they are being put through is wrong because they haven't seen how women in other countries are treated. By worm not being treated well and men or boys being all that country cares about makes them look bad and unsanitary. Its not fair that the women are treated poorly by everyone and don't even have a say in something even if it could kill them!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Indias population

Today in class we watched a video on india and there population and how its growing. India is very different then how we are. Men or boys are more important then girls are and they show that. Indians have usually minimum of 3 kids and they usually have kids till they have 1 or more boy. Its scary tho because 1 out of 10 kids die before they reach the age of 5 so thats why they have so many kids so they're garented a boy when they get older to take care of them. The parents are usually matched together, they don't fall in love and spend a happy life together. They are matched together to have kids and sometimes the father can we very abusive if the mother onset have the gender he wants. Mothers don't really have a say in how many kids they have or when they can stop having kids because the father over rules her. I don't really get how India lives with this especially since India is the size of colorado and there population will soon be passing Chinas population which is the biggest population in the world!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Day of rest

Todays class was very easy because we didn't do anything. Today we went over the extra credit one last time which I will be doing because I want to pick up my grade and then we were allowed to do stuff for another class or just rest. I was caught up on all my work so I was able to sit back and listen to music and have a quiet mod to myself. It was nice having this because I have been so stressed out lately with school and sports and then knowing I had everything done and could rest was one of the best feelings. Now I'm prepared to go and do my extra credit and hopefully pull up my grade because thats all I've been working for!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Graded test

Today in class we got back out test that we took last week. I got a 77% on it and surprisingly that wasn't that bad of a grade. No one in my class got an A, people just got close too an A but there were very few people who got close. We went over the test and I realized I did make some stupid errors but everyone made them which made me feel better. This test didn't really do anything to my grade but my teacher started talking about an extra credit opportunity that had to do with donating 25$ to something in need and I want to do it to make a change to whoever I donate to and its a good chance to pull up my grade which is what I really need right now. I can't wait to hear more about this extra credit tomorrow so I can show what my grade means to me!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Test day

Today in class we took a test. I don't think I did to terrible but I could of done a lot better. The last page was very hard because I didn't really memorize which counter had what percentages of what. And since I didn't know that, I struggled answering those questions. Even if I didn't do to good on the test I still like that I know how to use the CIA website and have a resource that I can use. I should have studied more and I need to ask how to pull up my grade in this class because I do care about my grades a lot and I'm still getting used to high school and I want to do well so I get somewhere in my future

Monday, October 12, 2015

PSAT talk

Today we talked about PSATs that we are taking on Wednesday. He told us what to expect and what they mean. we learned that the PSATs don't really mean anything except they tell us our weaknesses and strengths and what we should study for the SATs. But, I'm not really worried because i ahem 3 years till the real SATs and I haven't even learned half the things on this test so why should I worry if I don't know it! Im excited because we go into school late then we get out early but I feel like the test is going to be long. Hopefully when SATs come I study well and get a good grade because it can determine the college I get into and I want to get into the best college I can but I need to prove it!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Question and Answers

Today's class we asked the 10 questions we made from the other class. It was fun because we would try to beat each other to find the answer to each other's questions and we were more interested in the questions. I like doing questions of our choice because we were more interested and wanted to learn more! Also it started to get kind of competitive and we were like trying to make sure this one kid didn't answer first so we teamed up on him which was funny! I hope we can do more activities as a class because I feel like it's a fun way to learn!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Interesting questions about the world

1. What is the climate like at Turks and Caicos?
tropical; marine; moderated by trade winds; sunny and relatively dry 

2. Throughout the world, what percentage of people are christian?
Christian 33.39% 

3. What percentage of the world is speaks Spanish?
 Spanish 5.77% 

4.  How many people have died of HIV/AIDS?
1,181,700 (2014 est.) 

5.  Whats the population of the world?
7,256,490,011 (July 2015 est.) 

6.  How many airports does Jamaica have?
28 (2013) 

7.  Whats the area comparative of Haiti 
slightly smaller than Maryland 

8.  How many internet users are there in Germany?
70.3 million 

9.  What percentage of the US is obese
35% (2014) 

10.  How many telephones are in the US 
317.4 million 

(highlighted ones are my 2 favorite)

My description of the Day

Todays class we did more on the website we used yesterday to find new things about so many countries. Looking up all these new things was actually pretty interesting. I have to be honest, we've been doing the same thing for the past 3 days and to me I'm just kind of bored. I know all these things are important and we do need to learn about migration and how some cultures are so unsanitary but i would also like to learn in a more active way. I love doing partner projects or things like that to go and put what I've learned into a project

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Finding Population

Todays class was all about population. We went on a website to find different populations of different countries. We were able to learn different things about the populations and how things were different between countries and why. We did a contest where he'd ask questions on countries and we had to answer quickly. It was weird learning about the countries and how theres a country with a population of like 48, thats like 2 classes put together which isn't a lot at all! The populations are all changing because of migration and people dying and being born.  There is a point where the population can be the same but if its lower then that point then its dropping but if its higher then that point then its rising. Population is changing a lot over the years!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Population Differences

Today in class we talked about population in different countries. We mainly talked about why the average lifetime in some cultures is higher then others. In wealthier countries the average lifetime is high then say the countries that dint have much. But why is that? When you think about it, if you have more money your area or home seems to be more neat and nicer then say someone who's living in a trailer. Just because its a trailer doesn't mean its a bad home it  just means its not as sanitary. When things aren't as clean you seem to get sick easier and then you might not have the money to go to the doctors or pay for mediation. Then it makes the area a lot more unsanitary and leads to more deaths. But, the money differences in countries is huge and it's because of unemployment and population. Its shouldn't be this drastic because then it causes many issues for this world. They shouldn't be paying people a dollar 25 a day when they're working 15 hours a day and then be paying someone a billion of dollars or more just to wear the product. Jobs and employment are changing this world and they way people live. It should be changed!