Saturday, October 24, 2015

Indias population

Today in class we watched a video on india and there population and how its growing. India is very different then how we are. Men or boys are more important then girls are and they show that. Indians have usually minimum of 3 kids and they usually have kids till they have 1 or more boy. Its scary tho because 1 out of 10 kids die before they reach the age of 5 so thats why they have so many kids so they're garented a boy when they get older to take care of them. The parents are usually matched together, they don't fall in love and spend a happy life together. They are matched together to have kids and sometimes the father can we very abusive if the mother onset have the gender he wants. Mothers don't really have a say in how many kids they have or when they can stop having kids because the father over rules her. I don't really get how India lives with this especially since India is the size of colorado and there population will soon be passing Chinas population which is the biggest population in the world!

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