Monday, November 30, 2015

Test Retake

Today in class I was able to retake a test that I bombed. The test had ruined my grade to the point I was failing this class and it was stressing me out. I went to the teacher and had asked what to do to pull up my grade and he helped me out and told me I could retake the test which I had gotten a 37 on the first time. I went and studied the test of break and tried remembering key words so I could remember the answers for the test. Whatever I did differently worked because I was bale to get an 83 on this test and he bumped my grade up to  71 and now I'm going to study every night and try to keep pulling my grade up.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Test Day

Todays class we took the test. I studied a lot for it and I still know I did poorly on it. Its frustrating me because it looks like I'm not trying when I do a lot for this class and am trying to get my grade up but test don't work for me so I cant pull it up. I will keep trying new ways of studying but as of right now its not going to good...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Left Early

Today I left early so I was not in class to write about what we did in class.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Students are the new Teacher

In todays class in human geo we had 2 students, connor and sam, take charge and be the students of the class. They asked us questions about our blogs that we answered questions on last week. They were good with asking questions and tricked us a few times but I need to study them more for the test. Then, we talked about more about Paris and if the wall really protected China. It is scary knowing all of this is going on and everyone's opinions on it is so different so I don't really know what to say about it because it's a scary moment but did we do anything? Do we deserve this? What is the real reason to this? And what are we going to do about it?

Monday, November 16, 2015

Tragic Incident in Paris

Today in human geo we did take more notes on other religions and details about them but we also talked about the tragic event that just happened with the bombings in paris a few days ago. The notes we took we about jews and how small there religion is and is especially small because of concentration camps and all that that went on with the killings of them. But I was happy to talk about the bombing in Paris because for them this is like the 9/11 for them. Also, Isis seems to have everything planned very well and its scary to think that they have 100 of his workers spread through the USA, even 3 of them are in Maryland, probably with something planned out on what they are going to do to us. This is a scary time but the thing is there is nothing we can really do because we don't know who's bad and who's good and they have more planned out then what we can defend! It is scary and I just wish we have peace sometimes but people can never be satisfied.

Friday, November 13, 2015


 why Buddha is sometimes pictured as very thin, and sometimes fat and laughing.
This often related to not Buddha but people who meant things there. They were obviously laughy and giggly and often smiling and everyone probably knew who they were so then Buddha just got known for that because they were known people who everyone knew and followed after.

I got an 11/22 and a lot of the questions surprised me like how women aren't supposed to speak in church and that was the bible, I just never expected the bible to say something that made women not have as many rights as everyone else. 

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet. 
the 10 commandments are the first 10 of the 613 commandments to the jewish in there bible. They are mentioned twice in the Torah so obviously they have some effect on the jewish culture.  

1. God is the one you believe in 
2. no idols will be in your life 
3. do not use the word lord in a bad way 
4. not really sure 
5. love your mother and father 
6. do not hurt somone 
7-10. do not commit and crimes 
I think commandment number 5 is the most important because your parents do so much for us and we should love them for all they do for us and recognize all they do!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Class Work

Today in human geography we did classwork and answer questions he gave us.
Did you know...
31.4% of the world is Christian, 0.2% of the world is Jewish, 15% of the world is Hindu, 23.2% of the world are Muslims, 7.1% are Buddhist.

Abraham is really big in the 2 religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. But he's known more in Islam and Judaism because he's more of the father and he is more known or a bigger part of there culture because they all look up to him but in Christianity he is a father but a father of faith so we, Christians, don't look at him like he's God our father and our savior, we see him as the god of faith.

Indulgence is basically like a punishment for you sin whether its temporary or forever but it will happen.
Luther thought that many practices of the catholic church couldn't even be justified and he dint think it was fair that the pope granted the people or not and it seemed like they were stealing rom the people.

Hajj is a Islamic tradition that all of them have to do at least once in there lifetime where basically an adult who is capable to take care of them carries them out. this is a sub,=mission t go d for the Muslims and they all celebrate this!
There are 3 types of Hajj, they are Hajj al-Tamatt'u, Hajj al-Qiran, Hajj al-Ifrad. 

  • Rig-Veda “Knowledge of the Hymns of Praise”, for recitation.
  • Sama-Veda “Knowledge of the Melodies”, for chanting.
  • Yajur-Veda “Knowledge of the Sacrificial formulas”, for liturgy.
  • Atharva-Veda “Knowledge of the Magic formulas”, named after a kind of group of priests 
The rig veda-  This one is the most important and oldest and has 1028 hymns. it was 10 books called mandalas.  
Yajur veda and Sama veda are both part of the Rig veda or have to do with it . each contain about 2,000 verses
Athara veda was the lat one to come it much later then the others and concentrates on god and performing the liturgy of sacrifice.
(I couldn't find the hymns for the others)

Even after reading all this it still confuses me because these aren't my religions so its hard to see how they practice them but it was cool learning about it

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

More religions

In todays class in human geography we took more notes but this time on other religions after we went over/ or reviewed christianity. We talked about muslims and how they think of god as Muhammad and we talked about Jews and who they look up to and we basically talked about the 3 or 4 largest religions to be spread in this world! Soon Christianity might not even be the biggest because we've slowed down in growth and others are growing rapidly! Crazy to think how many different gods people believe in and yet there is really no proof for one in particular! That doesn't mean we can't believe in one, but it just makes us all question what we are really believing in!

Monday, November 9, 2015

More note taking

Today in human geography class we got our test back first and then we took notes on religions. My test that I got back was awful and I'm very concerned now because I studied for a long time and still wasn't able to pass it and now I'm failing this class. But we started taking notes on religions and the only religion we got to was Christianity and we talked about Jesus and Mary and Joseph and how Mary was a virgin but became pregnant with Jesus and how Adam and Eve did the first sin of eating the apple that had knowledge in it which is what started our world! All of this is important and I understand all of it but honestly I wish we could learn in a more visual way in stead of just listening to a teacher talk for 55 minutes!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Test day

Today we took a test on the notes we took during the video. I knew a lot of the facts but I didn't really know which country they went with. I know that was a major part of the entire test but for some reason I just couldn't remember and I even studied for it! I want to keep trying different ways of studying because I'm a very bad test taker and I know that but I'm going to keep trying so hopefully I'll get better! I hope I didn't do to bad on this test but I won't be expecting this amazing grade

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Review Day

Today class we just reviewed on our own and did work for other classes if we needed. I worked on my english because its due today and I needed to show a little bit of effort. Even though we didn't do that much during class it was a good day because I was to get ahead of my school work and now I don't have to worry as much about falling behind.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Arguments were said

Todays class we didn't do to much but we did change seats which we got to pick which was kind of cool because now I sit in the back near two of my friends but they're good friends who will help me work. But we shared our arguments on whether we thought it was important or not about the video we watched. I didn't think the video was that important because we couldn't really help India not have a lot of children and its about India not the US. If this was a huge problem then more things would be going on and everyone would be concentrated on it. But they have options for solutions and they are improving so if they want to go and change they can but its there call.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Video didn't work

Todays class we didn't do very much because the video which we were watching on India and taking notes on wasn't working because for some reason youtube got blocked.  So after trying for like 20 minutes to get the video to work, even trying my computer, we gave up and went over our notes. We all mainly had the same notes on how there populations ere affected and so on. Todays class wasn't anything special so there is not a lot to write about but soon there will probably be a test that I should start studying for so I do well in this class!