Thursday, November 12, 2015

Class Work

Today in human geography we did classwork and answer questions he gave us.
Did you know...
31.4% of the world is Christian, 0.2% of the world is Jewish, 15% of the world is Hindu, 23.2% of the world are Muslims, 7.1% are Buddhist.

Abraham is really big in the 2 religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. But he's known more in Islam and Judaism because he's more of the father and he is more known or a bigger part of there culture because they all look up to him but in Christianity he is a father but a father of faith so we, Christians, don't look at him like he's God our father and our savior, we see him as the god of faith.

Indulgence is basically like a punishment for you sin whether its temporary or forever but it will happen.
Luther thought that many practices of the catholic church couldn't even be justified and he dint think it was fair that the pope granted the people or not and it seemed like they were stealing rom the people.

Hajj is a Islamic tradition that all of them have to do at least once in there lifetime where basically an adult who is capable to take care of them carries them out. this is a sub,=mission t go d for the Muslims and they all celebrate this!
There are 3 types of Hajj, they are Hajj al-Tamatt'u, Hajj al-Qiran, Hajj al-Ifrad. 

  • Rig-Veda “Knowledge of the Hymns of Praise”, for recitation.
  • Sama-Veda “Knowledge of the Melodies”, for chanting.
  • Yajur-Veda “Knowledge of the Sacrificial formulas”, for liturgy.
  • Atharva-Veda “Knowledge of the Magic formulas”, named after a kind of group of priests 
The rig veda-  This one is the most important and oldest and has 1028 hymns. it was 10 books called mandalas.  
Yajur veda and Sama veda are both part of the Rig veda or have to do with it . each contain about 2,000 verses
Athara veda was the lat one to come it much later then the others and concentrates on god and performing the liturgy of sacrifice.
(I couldn't find the hymns for the others)

Even after reading all this it still confuses me because these aren't my religions so its hard to see how they practice them but it was cool learning about it

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