Monday, January 11, 2016

Test Review

Today in human geography we went over notes for the test on Wednesday. we took notes on the videos we've watched over the past week and the details in them and how they effect the earth. all these things can effect the world but it doesn't seem like its a big deal right now

This video explains in scientific terms, using statistics, how climate change works
Back in 2005, when this video was made, “global warming” was a more commonly used term than “climate change”
the video was produced by National Geographic

  • for eons… millenia… multiple hundreds of centuries… the Earth has cycled between ice ages and thaws
  • it has always been part of the natural order of things

  • but as humans become more resourceful, they have had more of an impact on nature… and climate
  • carbon dioxide intensifies the greenhouse effect, which causes heat to be reflected back to Earth
  • sources: cars, factories, power plants, trucks, jets, cement production, etc.
  • pie chart supplied by (the Environmental Protection Agency)
  • why he often speaks at college commencements

  • our impact has included raising the planet’s temperature by 1.2 F to 1.4 F in the last hundred years
  • compare this to your basic pattern of glacial periods, which usually last between 40,000 to 100,000 years
  • it’s human activity which is driving the temperatures up so quickly
    • burning fossil fuels (oil, gas, other petroleum products; coal) produces carbon dioxide
  • how bad is it?
  • carbon dioxide & methane have reached their highest levels in 420,000 years
  • What’s the big deal? What’s the worst that could happen? Well…
    • rising sea levels which could flood coastal areas around the world
    • severe drought that could become more prominent in warm areas
    • species unable to adapt to the changing conditions would face extinction
      Bill Nye:
      • science educator
      • writer
      • scientist
      • mechanical engineer
      • inventor
      • swing dancer
      • Science Guy  
        ten of the last thirteen years were the warmest on record 
        • more details on what is IN greenhouse gases
        • Bill is good at illustrating things
        • that’s why his show is/was so popular
        • why he is still a frequent TV guest
        The temperature of the Earth’s oceans has risen more than        0.3 degrees Fahrenheit since 1969, causing:
        • a 30% rise of acidity in the ocean’s chemistry
        • certain species, such as oysters and clams, to become calcified
        • shallow water corals to become increasingly at risk
        • placing the entire ocean food chain (“food web”) in danger

          Since 1994, each year (on average) the Earth has lost from its glaciers: 400 billion tons
          recycle and reuse
          walk, bike, use public transportation
          turn off electronics when not in use
          eat less meat
          eat more locally grown vegetables and food
          Just as World War II called an earlier generation to greatness, so the climate crisis is calling today's rising youth to action: to create a better future.
          Bill Nye sees today's environmental issues not as insurmountable, depressing problems but as chances for our society to rise to the challenge and create a cleaner, healthier, smarter world. We need not accept that transportation consumes half our energy, and that two-thirds of the energy you put into your car is immediately thrown away out the tailpipe. We need not accept that dangerous emissions are the price we must pay for a vibrant economy and a comfortable life. Above all, we need not accept that we will leave our children a planet that is dirty, overheated, and depleted of resources.
          climate change- a long term change in the earths overall temperature with massive and permanent ramifications

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